These are the questions that we face when we talk to job seekers on a regular basis as part of the Org building team at Sahaj.
My intention of writing this article is to give more insights into our culture at Sahaj and share how amazing it is to be a part of this journey as we grow. Also, I am putting this information out here, with the hope of providing answers to potentially active or passive job seekers who are skeptical about making that shift, as they are unsure as to what to expect from a new company.
Sahaj was started in 2014 with the primary intention of trying to avoid human exploitation. The main aim was to establish a place of work where people are not taken for advantage for somebody else’s benefit. Trust was and is the basis of our existence.

Open Salaries
This means that if you join us , you can view anybody’s salary details at Sahaj- irrespective of their years of experience. By doing this, we are taking on the responsibility of saying that we are open for clarifications or justifications of any sort regarding the remuneration paid out to our people at any level. Our intention is to avoid internal disparity and ensure that a fair and transparent process is maintained.
Continuous, ongoing reviews
We don’t really follow an annual performance appraisal review either. We believe that a person’s efforts should be acknowledged as soon as possible and they should not have to wait for around a year just because the “process” requires them to do so.
We also have equal profit sharing where the profits are equally distributed to all as we truly believe that each and every Sahajeevi has equally contributed to generate these profits.
Unlimited Leaves
We don’t impose any limit on the number of leaves a Sahajeevi can take. We trust each other and believe that every individual is responsible enough to maintain their work-life balance and hence does not have to be micromanaged.
Do we take advantage of this situation ? — No. This mutual trust to do work at our own will without constantly being told what to do and what not to do, gives us a sense of accountability and makes us feel even more connected to our Sahaj family!
Flat Org Structure with No Job Titles
If you have read till here, you might have already realised that we are not Sahaj ‘employees’, we are Sahajeevis . There are no separate grades or designations. We have one single designation i.e ‘ Solution Consultant’ across Sahaj. This, we believe, eliminates barriers to open and free communication. This also helps in creating a sense of ownership by ensuring full access to information across teams which enables us in providing innovative solutions.
Small Teams
We work in small teams with not more than four to five people in each project. With a current headcount count of close to 130 people worldwide, around 90% of Sahajeevis are developers . Our developers are closely involved in the entire project lifecycle, right from gathering requirements up to the delivery. We do not have specialised roles like Project Managers,Business Analysts, Quality Analysts etc. This is the kind of responsibility Sahajeevis take on; we wear multiple hats when it comes to solving complex problems and providing the best possible solutions to our clients.
How we work
We call ourselves ‘Technology Artisans’ — artisans are those who work on constantly improving their skills to get the best solutions for their client. We work closely with our clients to understand their psychology and their business needs rather than providing just quick fixes. We believe in their cause, be it Legacy Modernisation, Digital Transformation, ROI etc. which helps in building a long-lasting relationship with them and not just turn out to be a transaction.
We, at Sahaj, enable people to take risks by allowing them to do things differently and challenge the status quo.
There is a lot more to share about our journey from the past seven years and the exciting work we have lined up going forward. Watch out for more stories from us!
By the way, we are hiring!
We look forward to talking to some of you great and passionate programmers out there, who are ready to embark on a journey with us.
If you wish to know more about Sahaj, please visit
Please do have a look at our job openings.
You can also share your resume with us to
Please feel free to ask any questions or reach out to me at if you need any further information about us .