Sahaj Impact

Enabling Smallholder Farmers with AI Voicebot for Interactive Communication

Viamo’s multilingual conversational assistant can answer any question in the farming domain, through basic phones without the Internet. Viamo is a social benefit corporation that provides underserved populations access to information to improve businesses, governance, health, and education using IVR-based pre-recorded messages. For quite some time, they have been exploring the potential of Generative AI to transform the way they engage with their users, and enable them to ask questions and receive accurate answers in their own language on topics...


DIVOC : A Platform for Driving Public Vaccination Programs

DIVOC evolved at the time of COVID-19 outbreak in India to address the challenge of managing public vaccination programs for a huge population. The platform generates, distributes and verifies proof of vaccination for a population.  Usually, any large-scale vaccination program has the following 3 key components: The supply chain entails logistics, storage, distribution, availability, etc. Capacity building for on-ground support that would include trained front-line health personnel. Rollout and certification followed by continuous monitoring and feedback cycles. While there may...


Pioneering Next-Gen Registries and Credentials to Empower Organizations with Low-Code Excellence

Sunbird RC is a groundbreaking "low code" framework, built in partnership with Sahaj and Ekstep, empowering organizations to swiftly construct cutting-edge electronic registries and verifiable credentials. It utilizes a configuration-based approach to accelerate registry development and automatically generate CRUD APIs without the need for manual coding. This dynamic framework also enables registry searches, grants open API access, manages verifiable credentials, facilitates user consent flows and orchestrates attestation and verification processes. Building Registries with JSON Schema: Sunbird RC employs JSON schema...


Sahaj & Citizens of The Great Barrier Reef: The Next Chapter of Scale, Complexity & Collaboration for Conservation

The Great Barrier Reef, Australia’s iconic ecological site and the world’s largest marine ecosystem is buckling under the effects of climate change and other factors. According to a report published by government scientists, the natural landmark suffered its sixth mass bleaching event in 2022 with 91% of reefs affected by coral bleaching. Driven by this sentiment, Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef entered the fray to gather data about the reef for scientists to analyse it and find solutions. Its...

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Citizens of The Great Barrier Reef — A story of scale, complexity and collaboration for conservation

The Great Barrier Reef, Australia’s iconic ecological site, is not only important to the continent but to the planet as a whole. With over 3000 individual reefs stretching over 2000 kms and home to 25% of the world’s marine species, it is the world’s largest marine ecosystem. However, it now faces a serious threat. Climate change, rising sea level temperatures, pollution and Crown of thorns starfish attacks are just some of the threats that expose the reef to bleaching, and...
